

Run UCDetector with ANT

It is possible to run UCDetector in headless mode (no user interface) by calling Apache Ant. This may be interesting, for build manager to create the html reports.

Unzip folder org.ucdetector.source_x.y.z.jar/ant, check README.txt

See last version from README.txt

cycleDetect class cycles

Right click on classes, packages or projects, Select context menu: "UCDetector/detect cycles". The class cycles will appear in the Cycle View. Browse the class cycles by exploring the cycle tree.

UCDetector cycle

countCount code checked by UCDetector

It is possible to count code checked by UCDetector. Select context menu: "UCDetector/count elements"

UCDetector count

removeClean markers

Delete UCDetector markers by right clicking on a java element which contains the markers and select:
"UCDetector/Clean markers"

Excel reports

Tip: Create UCDetector text report
open it with Excel or
open it with a text editor, copy and paste content of text file to Excel.

Custom reports

Tip: To create custom reports rename file org.ucdetector_x.y.z.jar/org/ucdetector/report/__custom.xslt to custom.xslt.
Note: This file is inside the jar. Adapt custom.xslt to your needs.